How to write powerful Affirmations
Do you do daily affirmations? Or would you like to but just don't know how or where to start?
If you have ever heard about affirmations, you probably heard about writing things down to say to yourself that will use the Law of Attraction to bring those things to you. An affirmation is the act or process of affirming the things that are true in your life.
So are your affirmations true for you? Most people get skewed a bit here by saying affirmations that result in conflict in your emotions. For instance, if you make $30,000 per year, are struggling with your finances and are living paycheck to paycheck and one of your affirmation is, "I am a millionaire." or "I make $300,000 a year." your affirmations may be in conflict. Most people confuse affirmations with goals.
What results is a conflict in your emotional response. This is self defeating because the universe uses your emotional response as the interpretation of your thoughts. If you are watching a child play and laugh and it gives you a good feeling then the universe can recognize the good feeling and say "Let's bring her more good feelings."
But if every time you say your affirmation and you have a negative pit of the stomach feeling, then the universe interprets that as negative and will bring you more negative.
When writing affirmations ask yourself this:
Is it believable? Do you believe that it is possible? If you want to make more money, is it possible for you to get a raise? Yes. Is it possible for you to switch jobs and start making $40,000 per year. Can you see a way for your company to make more money and ask your boss to double your salary, especially if you can bring in a new account or increase profit margins in a big way? Instead of "I am a millionaire, write "I am managing my money better and continuing to see returns." or "My bank account is growing more and more each day."
If your affirmations are way beyond your reach- you will probably never get it. So start writing things that are within your reach. I'm not saying to lose your high hopes and big dreams. Keep the goal of becoming a millionaire always in your mind. Then write out all the ways you can think of to get there. Getting a raise at work; being offered an amazing job at another company, starting your own business, getting an inheritance, investing in real estate, investing in the stock market, inventing a new product or idea. What are ways that the universe can bring more money into your reality? Then ask the universe to set into motion one or all of these for you to become financially abundant.
Use these affirmation for financial abundance:
"I am starting to see new opportunities present themselves in my life towards financial freedom."
"The universe is helping me to become financially abundant." or
"I believe fully and truly that making money is becoming easier and easier."
"My unique skills and knowledge are very valuable and I am capable of earning lots of money."
"Everyday in every way, I am getting better and better."
"Money is beginning to flow into my life."
"I am making better financial decisions for myself and my family."
"I am worthy of success."
If you want to work with me personally to help write powerful affirmations in your life, shoot me an email. We can get started right away towards reaching your financial goals, career goals, health and body goals, relationship goals, and spiritual goals.
Have a peaceful day!
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
If you want to see results in your life towards your Financial Goals, Weight Loss Goals, Attracting the Love of Your Life, Become Excellent in Your Career, Grow Your Business Like Crazy, give me a call at (239) 240-1937. The first session is free to help you discover the difference in having a Life Coach to Bring About Incredible Life Change!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
Life is like a river. You are meant to coast down the middle, nice and easy. In the middle, you get to float along and take in the views and relax and enjoy the ride...
But most of us think that we need to paddle to go anywhere. So we try it our way and we get caught in some branches on the side and we get scraped up by a rock and we get stuck on the river bank, not going anywhere...
It's not until we get enough scraps or we can't see anyway out of the mess that we are in, that we start to ask for help...
When we realize that it doesn't have to be a struggle, we can get back in the middle, the flow, where its easy again and begin to enjoy life so much more.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
But most of us think that we need to paddle to go anywhere. So we try it our way and we get caught in some branches on the side and we get scraped up by a rock and we get stuck on the river bank, not going anywhere...
It's not until we get enough scraps or we can't see anyway out of the mess that we are in, that we start to ask for help...
When we realize that it doesn't have to be a struggle, we can get back in the middle, the flow, where its easy again and begin to enjoy life so much more.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
Friday, June 7, 2013
Why Choose A Life Coach
Many clients hire me when they are in a transformational period in their life — when they want to make changes, accomplish goals or create the life they have always wanted.
Having an experienced coach focused on empowering you to create and accomplish the life you desire is a powerful tool in making things happen.
You’ll learn to take stock of your life, to figure out where you are and where you want to go.
All too often, we are not able to accomplish things alone because we lose focus and momentum. Sometimes we simply lack a strategy. When you share your goals and dreams with someone who is committed to supporting you and helping you accomplish what you desire, great things happen.
A life coach helps you develop a strategy and creates a non-judgmental space to work from, while keeping the movement forward and creating accountability. We are constantly seeking direction in life… it seems to be hard-wired into our DNA. A life coach keeps you on track and helps you gain clarity.
Through the coaching process, you will strengthen your personal foundation, discover what your needs are, and start manifesting magnificence into your life. When you focus your attention and take deliberate actions, you will meet with outstanding results.
Working with a life coach is a journey into self-exploration and growth… it’s fun and exciting, and you will be inspired to do things you never dreamed you could do. You will find yourself challenged to stretch beyond where you would go alone. You will literally learn to integrate your vision into your life… your life will change dramatically.
The power is in the commitment you make to yourself. You are the champion of your own life. Create a life you are going to love!
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
Thursday, June 6, 2013
What is this all about? The Mirror
Most people ask me what Life Coaching is like or they have some idea of what life coaching is based on other models they have heard of.
I practice a holistic style which is spiritual in nature. As your life coach I help you to decode the messages that are given to you. They come in many forms; as relationships, money energy, addictions, body/ health issues, coincidences, repeating patterns, and other ways. Sometimes you may not even be aware that the thing that happened to you is a message, and that is where I help you to see it. Once you can recognize it, you can work through it and bring healing to your life. It is so freeing and it feels so magical but it is of the highest level work. Then it becomes easier to see. Here is a good explanation of what my beliefs are:
You are the creator of your life and you must accept responsibility for all of your creations. All that you create for yourself is you loving you even when you have created a difficult situation. Your creation is for the purpose of greater awareness, understanding, healing, energetic balance and soul advancement. If you are in denial of the crappy stuff in your life you are rejecting your creatorship and have chosen to be powerless. God gave you free will and you have the power to change. In order to change your reality, you must first accept it as part of your own creation.
Each of us must accept responsibility and realize that the only problems in our life stems from our own unconscious behaviors and free will choices. God does not create suffering; humans create suffering! Through attention, self-examination, reflection, conscious awareness of our core beliefs, emotions and feelings we will be able to heal and release the majority of our life problems. Everything always goes back to SELF. Fortunately, the universe is on our side providing us with a mirror so we can see ourselves. If we are seeing something in someone else we don’t like, it is also within us. Likewise, if there is something we don’t like within our being we will see it in everyone else. Our outer reality is a mirror of our inner being. Everything we see in our family or in another human being is a reflection of our own inner being. We would not be able to recognize their imperfections unless they were within us as well. Likewise, if we admire someone and find qualities within them we really like we must understand that those qualities are also within us.
Our God self is always bringing people and situations into our life to show us things within ourselves that need to be healed. The universe is our mirror and until our patterns and issues get healed we will continue to run into ourselves everywhere we go. We attract relationships with certain individuals so they can show us areas in our own life that need to be healed through their actions and behaviors. These contracts are formed because both people are working on the same core belief that needs to be seen, acknowledged and released. The other person acts as our mirror so we can see ourselves. Everyone reflects back to us the relationship we are having with ourselves. They are there to shed light on an aspect of ourselves that needs healing. Denial and suppression keeps us in the cycle of recreation until we learn the lessons they are here to teach. We cannot be an empowered and enlightened being and also see ourselves as a victim of circumstances. No one is a victim. Everything is created for you by you in perfect design. Nothing in the Universe is by chance, everything is carefully designed for each soul’s unique growth. It is now time for each of us to remember who we are and to actively participate with our spiritual self in learning our lessons and clearing out our energetic bodies. Our personal vibration rises as we master our soul lessons eventually bringing us into divine alignment with our God self. Once this occurs we will no longer need to continue to draw negative lower vibrational circumstances or people into our lives.
When you find yourself in a negative situation ask yourself: “What is this person reflecting back to me?” What behavior, thought or belief does this person have that I also need to heal within my own being?
There are usually 3 reasons for a mirror:
Someone is being a mirror for you to show you how you are thinking, feeling, behaving, vibrating. They are a reflection of a lesson you need to learn. Usually both people have the same core belief or issue that needs to be healed. Both are reflections for each other. This is the mirror most commonly used!
You have volunteered on a soul level to be a mirror for someone else. Through their actions, words, beliefs etc… have chosen to hold the space for them so they could behave or react out of alignment and “see” and “feel” the pain they have inflicted on you. IF they witness your pain and “acknowledge” their behavior they will be less likely to repeat the lesson again and will clear their karma. Through experience and consequences lessons are learned IF the person is willing to accept responsibility transcending the need to repeat the lesson in the future.
If you have done a lot of work on yourself, another person can reflect your progress. People will reflect back to you lessons you have recently moved through. They are seeking assistance from you to help shed light on the situation so they can also move forward without having to repeat the same lesson over and over. In this case, you provide a new perspective and are a lighthouse lighting the way for others helping them to bring their unconsciousness forward into the light of awareness so it can be healed.
Understand that mirrors are not about the “story”. The mirror is about the feelings and reactions the “story” provokes within us. Do not get hung up on the He said/ She said, “story”. Focus on the interaction and how it made you feel and how you wanted to react. The reflection is about the feeling that needs to be transformed within yourself. If there is no feeling or need to react there is nothing you need to transform. Look for the emotion!
If someone is mistreating you, ask yourself: “ How am I mistreating my soul or the soul of someone else? Where am I being abusive?
Become your own Inner Witness and ask yourself:
What is this person or circumstance trying to teach me?
What behavior are they revealing that is a mirror of my behavior?
What negative thoughts and beliefs am I holding onto that need to be released?
What am I allowing to be drawn to me? Have I been negative or positive lately? Where am I holding my vibration?
Am I evolving or revolving? Where am I repeating the same things over and over? What is the pattern?
What is the gift (lesson) they are trying to give to me?
What is the gift (lesson) I am trying to give to another?
If you are ready to start decoding your messages and growing in your life and experiencing the greatest life you can live, send me a message to get started.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
I practice a holistic style which is spiritual in nature. As your life coach I help you to decode the messages that are given to you. They come in many forms; as relationships, money energy, addictions, body/ health issues, coincidences, repeating patterns, and other ways. Sometimes you may not even be aware that the thing that happened to you is a message, and that is where I help you to see it. Once you can recognize it, you can work through it and bring healing to your life. It is so freeing and it feels so magical but it is of the highest level work. Then it becomes easier to see. Here is a good explanation of what my beliefs are:
You are the creator of your life and you must accept responsibility for all of your creations. All that you create for yourself is you loving you even when you have created a difficult situation. Your creation is for the purpose of greater awareness, understanding, healing, energetic balance and soul advancement. If you are in denial of the crappy stuff in your life you are rejecting your creatorship and have chosen to be powerless. God gave you free will and you have the power to change. In order to change your reality, you must first accept it as part of your own creation.
Each of us must accept responsibility and realize that the only problems in our life stems from our own unconscious behaviors and free will choices. God does not create suffering; humans create suffering! Through attention, self-examination, reflection, conscious awareness of our core beliefs, emotions and feelings we will be able to heal and release the majority of our life problems. Everything always goes back to SELF. Fortunately, the universe is on our side providing us with a mirror so we can see ourselves. If we are seeing something in someone else we don’t like, it is also within us. Likewise, if there is something we don’t like within our being we will see it in everyone else. Our outer reality is a mirror of our inner being. Everything we see in our family or in another human being is a reflection of our own inner being. We would not be able to recognize their imperfections unless they were within us as well. Likewise, if we admire someone and find qualities within them we really like we must understand that those qualities are also within us.
Our God self is always bringing people and situations into our life to show us things within ourselves that need to be healed. The universe is our mirror and until our patterns and issues get healed we will continue to run into ourselves everywhere we go. We attract relationships with certain individuals so they can show us areas in our own life that need to be healed through their actions and behaviors. These contracts are formed because both people are working on the same core belief that needs to be seen, acknowledged and released. The other person acts as our mirror so we can see ourselves. Everyone reflects back to us the relationship we are having with ourselves. They are there to shed light on an aspect of ourselves that needs healing. Denial and suppression keeps us in the cycle of recreation until we learn the lessons they are here to teach. We cannot be an empowered and enlightened being and also see ourselves as a victim of circumstances. No one is a victim. Everything is created for you by you in perfect design. Nothing in the Universe is by chance, everything is carefully designed for each soul’s unique growth. It is now time for each of us to remember who we are and to actively participate with our spiritual self in learning our lessons and clearing out our energetic bodies. Our personal vibration rises as we master our soul lessons eventually bringing us into divine alignment with our God self. Once this occurs we will no longer need to continue to draw negative lower vibrational circumstances or people into our lives.
When you find yourself in a negative situation ask yourself: “What is this person reflecting back to me?” What behavior, thought or belief does this person have that I also need to heal within my own being?
There are usually 3 reasons for a mirror:
Someone is being a mirror for you to show you how you are thinking, feeling, behaving, vibrating. They are a reflection of a lesson you need to learn. Usually both people have the same core belief or issue that needs to be healed. Both are reflections for each other. This is the mirror most commonly used!
You have volunteered on a soul level to be a mirror for someone else. Through their actions, words, beliefs etc… have chosen to hold the space for them so they could behave or react out of alignment and “see” and “feel” the pain they have inflicted on you. IF they witness your pain and “acknowledge” their behavior they will be less likely to repeat the lesson again and will clear their karma. Through experience and consequences lessons are learned IF the person is willing to accept responsibility transcending the need to repeat the lesson in the future.
If you have done a lot of work on yourself, another person can reflect your progress. People will reflect back to you lessons you have recently moved through. They are seeking assistance from you to help shed light on the situation so they can also move forward without having to repeat the same lesson over and over. In this case, you provide a new perspective and are a lighthouse lighting the way for others helping them to bring their unconsciousness forward into the light of awareness so it can be healed.
Understand that mirrors are not about the “story”. The mirror is about the feelings and reactions the “story” provokes within us. Do not get hung up on the He said/ She said, “story”. Focus on the interaction and how it made you feel and how you wanted to react. The reflection is about the feeling that needs to be transformed within yourself. If there is no feeling or need to react there is nothing you need to transform. Look for the emotion!
If someone is mistreating you, ask yourself: “ How am I mistreating my soul or the soul of someone else? Where am I being abusive?
Become your own Inner Witness and ask yourself:
What is this person or circumstance trying to teach me?
What behavior are they revealing that is a mirror of my behavior?
What negative thoughts and beliefs am I holding onto that need to be released?
What am I allowing to be drawn to me? Have I been negative or positive lately? Where am I holding my vibration?
Am I evolving or revolving? Where am I repeating the same things over and over? What is the pattern?
What is the gift (lesson) they are trying to give to me?
What is the gift (lesson) I am trying to give to another?
If you are ready to start decoding your messages and growing in your life and experiencing the greatest life you can live, send me a message to get started.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
The Magic 9 Letter Word
--The Magic 9 Letter Word-
Studies show that this one thing can make you 25% happier.
It makes you immune to anger, disappointment and frustration.
It's even been shown to heal pain and illness in your body.
That one thing is GRATITUDE - and amazing things happen
when you integrate it into your meditation practice.
Here's a fun exercise to try:
1. As you sit down to meditate, breathe in deeply and imagine your
heart filling up with gratitude. Radiate that energy and light from
within feeling blissful and deeply thankful.
2. Think about five specific things to be grateful for on this day. This
can be something simple like "that pasta I had for lunch was delicious",
up to something really important like "I'm blessed to have a loving partner and family".
3. Think about the people behind the situations you were
grateful for and express thanks to each of them.
4. Remind yourself that whatever you focus on, expands. When you
focus on gratitude and positivity, you will get more of that in return.
Be mindful that you will attract more abundance, love and health by
being grateful for your current state in these areas.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
Studies show that this one thing can make you 25% happier.
It makes you immune to anger, disappointment and frustration.
It's even been shown to heal pain and illness in your body.
That one thing is GRATITUDE - and amazing things happen
when you integrate it into your meditation practice.
Here's a fun exercise to try:
1. As you sit down to meditate, breathe in deeply and imagine your
heart filling up with gratitude. Radiate that energy and light from
within feeling blissful and deeply thankful.
2. Think about five specific things to be grateful for on this day. This
can be something simple like "that pasta I had for lunch was delicious",
up to something really important like "I'm blessed to have a loving partner and family".
3. Think about the people behind the situations you were
grateful for and express thanks to each of them.
4. Remind yourself that whatever you focus on, expands. When you
focus on gratitude and positivity, you will get more of that in return.
Be mindful that you will attract more abundance, love and health by
being grateful for your current state in these areas.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
Goals and Visions Unlimited
Goals and Visions Unlimited
It is about time your marketing and business, heck, your life
even, started working out successfully and predictably, isn't it?
How are your plans working out? Your marketing plans, your
business plans, your product plans, your life plans, and all
other sorts of plans? Do they work out exactly or do they
resemble a list of things that do not come true?
Often times we hear business, marketing and life gurus tell us
that planning and goal setting are the key to creating a
successful life. They tell us also to visualize and have vision.
That is all well and good. But it is about time someone told us
exactly how to exactly set those goals so that our results are
exact. And it does not stop there. How do you visualize and think
after that? Your goals and visions, in the presence of right
thinking and certainty, are the prophecies of what you shall one
day become. You are in luck, for this article goes exactly there.
It takes you into the ultimate in goal setting and visualization.
Here is a most effective technique.
Let us start with the goals and visualization then move on to
thinking. These are the goal setting steps to follow. These steps
are the same whether you are doing it for your business or for
life. In fact, try not to separate your life. Life is a whole,
and it works out that way. Separation only exists in the mind at
the level of the ego. Make life goals that include your business
and marketing. Do not make business goals only by themselves on
the side and forget life goals as this will actually short-
circuit the business goals. Everything works together as a
system. So here we go:
1. List what you would like to have, do and be between now and
the next 30 years. List everything you can think of, small and
large. Places to visit, things to have, residences, experiences,
partners, skills to acquire, things to do, people to meet,
projects, charities, health, habits - everything! This is not a
list of what you think you can achieve. It is a list of what
would give you the most incredible life of you liking, whether
you think you can achieve it or not. A life that is unbelievably
fantastic for you. Your list should have at least 100 things in
there - it is not hard to come up with at least 100 things for 30
years. To be very wealthy, have about 5,000 things - even small
details regarding your desires should be in there.
2. For each goal you listed, write the reasons why you wish to
have it. If for example you wish to have a large home, write down
the reasons why. In other words, what will you do with and in
this home? Put drama into it. Reasons empower your goal and make
it easier to imagine and visualize and attain it. They give life
to it and make the subconscious accept it a whole lot better.
3. Get cuttings from magazines, brochures, the Internet,
photographs, etc, of the items in your goals and stick them in
your journal. Start a goals and visualizations journal on paper
or computer. In it, place pictures of the things you wish to have
- cars, stocks, buildings, boats, land, travel, clothes, or
anything else. Refer to it often - twice a day is highly
recommended. The more real and detailed your visualization and
imagination is, the faster and more accurately you will realize
your goals. Pictures are very important to have in your life.
4. Everyday, read your list, look at your pictures, and then
spend at least 20 minutes twice a day imagining, animating, and
visualizing in detail all your goals. If you meditate, and it is
highly recommended that you do your goal visualization, do your
goals visualization in meditation as well. Meditation puts you
closest to The Source, the best place you can be to plant your
seed of visions into the field of infinite possibilities and
5. Then, Here, Now, do something that takes you closer to your
goal. There is always something to do now, however small. It will
open the next step to you, a step that may be unseen until that
first act is taken. Every act is an act of self-definition and
creation. Act deliberately and with awareness so that each act
takes you closer to your goals, not further. Act with purpose.
6. Do everything with gratitude. Think, speak and act with
gratitude, the gratitude of knowing you are guaranteed success if
you act in the ways of these laws. Gratitude is a statement of
certainty. That is power. Be genuinely grateful and excited about
the fact that you already have your goals realized, for they will
be by universal law, guaranteed, and so they are. This type of
gratitude works wonders.
7. Enjoy your fruits, enjoy experiencing your goals when they
manifest into your reality! They are sure to do so, guaranteed by
universal law. The reason they are guaranteed is that every
moment of your life is created by your mind (and in a lesser
extent the collective minds of people around you). Your life is
images of your mind, expressed, translated and crystallized into
form. You are literally the source of your life, although it may
not appear so especially if you are not present and aware of your
daily thoughts, worries, desires and beliefs. Most people are
unconscious and engulfed in their mind in one huge day dream.
Wake up and watch yourself!
'I Am....' 'I Am....' No matter what you are trying to create
next in your life, find a way of putting it into 'I Am'. For
example if you wish to loose weight, do not think or say 'I will
loose 10 pounds 'or 'I want to loose 10 pounds'. Instead say,
think and write 'I am x pounds now'. Do the same with wealth. The
only time that exists in the universe, scientifically and
spiritually, is Now. Hence 'I Am'.
Do not worry how your goals will be fulfilled. There are powerful
forces at work in all of nature, with infinite intelligence and
coordination. Things, people, books, places, TV shows, movies,
etc, will start appearing and helping you to achieve your goals.
In other words, 'coincidences' will happen. Simply visualize your
goals believingly.
The trick is in the details and in consistency. For example, if
having a new home is a goal you have, write it down in detail.
Write down where the house is located, how many rooms it has, the
size of the compound, the size of the home, the furnishings in
it, and so on. Then visualize it that way. And do not change your
mind - this is very important. Understand that the universe is in
activity manifesting into physical form all your thoughts. Every
single one of them turns into some amount of physical form
somehow and somewhere. If you change your mind, you will be
undoing your work. Just hold your thought until it become fully
You are almost done. All that is left now is to know a little bit
about creation and thinking, so that you maintain your vigilance
and confidence.
All thought has an effect. Therefore, imaging your life exactly
as you wish it to be and be it. Become it. Do not let another
thought ever come in that contradicts or weakens that vision. If
you notice one coming in, immediately block it, change it for a
positive one, and declare that you shall never let yourself think
something like that again. This is the ultimate in positive
thinking. It is focused and filtered. Do the same with your words
and actions. Never let anything you say or do go against your
vision, your highest wished for life. This is because life is
created through thought, word and action, and therefore you must
guard all three. Do not stress over this. It may take effort at
first but it will soon become normal to you. And if you are in a
'bad' spot, remember that all conditions are temporary, as is the
nature of everything in the universe. Conditions do not define
you, for you are beyond them. In fact, only you can determine how
long you remain in a 'bad' spot by the way you handle that
situation in terms of your thoughts, words and actions.
The final thing is to be present. Stop day dreaming all the time.
Be present, be here, Now. It is the only time that exists, the
only place you can be, the only place where life is. And it is
the only place where you can do anything anyway. Be grateful for
the present moment, as it resolves itself always at your command,
and for that be grateful or else you miss its fruits and
'lessons'. Stop chasing your dreams in your mind, for such a
place is a phantom world that does not exist. Instead, call them
forth into your present moment, Now.
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
Dena Sawyer
Holistic Life Coach and Law of Attraction Guide
(239) 240-1937
"Your guide to linking the power of positive thinking to living the life of your Dreams"
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